Hello, Dear Reader:
Welcome to my blog. Every week I'll post fresh thoughts on art, art theft, antiquities preservation, or the art of writing fiction. If you've arrived at this blog, you probably got here via my web site (www.jillelizabethnelson.com), where you can find out more about my To Catch a Thief romantic suspense series. If you arrived some other way, perhaps you're an art afficianado or concerned with antiquities preservation. Kudos to you!
This new as of May 4: Picasso's Dora Maar au chat sold for $95 million dollars at Sotheby's auction house in New York, the second-highest auction price ever. At the same auction, Monet's Pres Monte Carlo, an impressionist landscape, went for about $5.1 million, and Renoir's Fleurs et Fruits sold for $2.8 million. All three paintings went to anonymous buyers! I don't think the anonymity was due to shyness--more like good common sense. Why would the buyers want prospective thieves to know they now own multi-million dollar paintings? (For more information and a pic of the picture, go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dora_maar_au_chat.)
Art is big business--obviously!--and covetous hearts are drawn by mega-dollars. That's why law enforcement and security agents lead such challenging lives. As long as greed exists, they'll have jobs, which is something of a pitiful positive if you think about it.
Now just a dab about me:
This August I will have been married to the same man for twenty-five years--an accomplishment in this day and age. I have no pets, but have nearly finished raising four children. (Does one ever complete this project?) I'm an avid reader and enthusiastic writer. Other than reading and writing, my favorite pasttimes include camping with my family, taking walks with my husband, and interracting on-line with friends, fellow writers, and readers. I love seafood, Asian and Italian cuisines. When I'm not busy with other things, my favorite TV shows are Numbers, Criminal Minds, and CSI. (Guess I just have a whodunnit kind of mind.) Oh, and if I can find a Columbo rerun, forget anything else going on. Ah, just one more thing . . .
Stop back next week for more updates on art, writing, and moi. On Tuesday, May 16, I head for Albuquerque to do reasearch on the book I'm currently writing, Reluctant Runaway. I hope to glean some good thoughts to blog about. Then it's off to Estes State Park near Denver, Colorado, for a writers conference May 17 - 20.