I do have a book to give away, so leave a comment at the end for a chance to win a copy of The Vanishing Sculptor! You'll be glad you did.
More adventures...
from the world of Amara
This new story takes place in the same world as the DragonKeeper Chronicles, however the main characters live on a completely different continent. Though Kale and Co. does not make an appearance in this story, we will see some very familiar faces!
The Vanishing Sculptor
Tipper is a young emerlindian who’s responsible for the upkeep of her family’s estate during her sculptor father’s absence. Tipper soon discovers that her actions have unbalanced the whole foundation of her world, and she must act quickly to undo the calamitous threat. But how can she save her father and her world on her own?
The task is too huge for one person, so she gathers the help of some unlikely companions--including the nearly five-foot tall parrot Beccaroon--and eventually witnesses the loving care and miraculous resources of Wulder. Through Tipper’s breathtaking story, readers will discover the beauty of knowing and serving God.
She mentors all ages, teaching teenagers and weekly adult writing workshops.
“God must have imprinted 'teacher' on me clear down to the bone. I taught in public school, then home schooled my children, and worked in private schools. Now my writing week isn’t very productive unless I include some time with kids.”
Her two grown children make her proud, and her two grandsons make her laugh.
Visit Donita on the web at: donitakpaul.comBUY THE BOOK NOW!
The Vanishing Sculptor
The Vanishing Sculptor sound like a great book for summer reading. Please add me to the giveaway. Thank you. desertrose5173 at gmail com
I know i'm going to love Donita Paul books, I just need to get one to read!
Please enter me for this one!
Congratulations, both of you. I have two copies, so you each get one!
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