Friday, October 19, 2012

Swallowed by Life by Ada Brownell

I don't often post about non-fiction, but I wanted you to know about this book.

 Mysteries of Death Resurrection and the Eternal
By Ada Brownell

Swallowed by Life will be free Oct. 19-21 at

God warned Adam and Eve if they disobeyed Him, they would die.

 Satan opened his fangy face and guffawed. “You won’t die.” He crawled up the tree trunk, curled around a branch, and nudged a sun-blushed fruit from the forbidden tree. It landed at Eve’s feet. Satan said, “Eat it. It’s delicious!”

 Eve picked it up, ran to Adam, and offered him a taste. Soon the couple bit in to the sugary food, juice dripping from the edges of their mouths as they watched one another change from immortal to mortal beings that would become ill and die.

 Satan’s venom fills every earthly body and grave since that time.  Read about it in Genesis 3.

But God had compassion and promised a Redeemer who would bruise Satan’s head, although the Redeemer’s heel would be bruised by the serpent when the Savior came to redeem and free every man who wanted to be saved from eternal death. We know the Messiah was crucified and Satan thought he conquered. But death could not hold him!

 Although we know the story, yet when Satan whispers, “Don’t even think about it. You won’t die,” we avoid putting that faith deposit in the bank, because when someone we know has a troubling diagnosis or passes away, we’re deceived into thinking he or she is the only one going. Fear becomes a factor, but if we believe John 3:16, we can think about the eternal with joy.

 Being filled with faith is the reason I wrote Swallowed by Life: Mysteries of Death, Resurrection and the Eternal.

 When we lost our beautiful 31-year-old daughter, Carolyn, only two months after the cancer diagnosis, I was in shock. Did I believe what I thought I did about the eternal?  So I went through the entire New Testament and underlined every verse that had to do with eternal life.

Oh, what joy! I learned faith is a force that must be fed, and the Word brings faith to life.

 Armed with strengthened faith from the Word, I thought about what I learned as a medical reporter for The Pueblo Chieftain in Colorado. I noticed obvious things about our bodies that tell us we are more than our flesh: beginning as a fertilized egg as small as the period at the end of this sentence; growth; weight gain and loss; constant cell death and regeneration (our skeleton is completely rebuilt every seven years); removal of body parts and sometimes replacing them with a mechanical device or transplants from others—even another person’s heart; and all the other changes that occur, and we’re still the same person we were in our mother’s womb.

Evidence shows we’re more than a body and we’ll live even if it turns to dust. I knew I should share it. When Carolyn became ill, she fed her soul on the Word and songs such as It is Well with My Soul sung by Sandi Patti. She died with her confidence in God. Yet, she wondered what happens when you die. The journey, the eternal, the resurrection and heaven. So I wrote this book for those who want to increase their faith, those who are curious about their eternal future, and those who give them counsel. The Q and A sections make the book ideal for a study guide. ©Ada Brownell 2012

ADA BROWNELL is the author of Swallowed by LIFE: Mysteries of Death, Resurrection and the Eternal, and Confessions of a Pentecostal (Gospel Publishing House, out of print but recently released as an e-book. She has been writing for Christian publications since age 15 and sold approximately 275 articles and fiction stories to 45 Christian magazines. She also is a retired journalist for The Pueblo Chieftain in Colorado. She and her husband, Lester,have five children—one in heaven.

Swallowed by LIFE: Mysteries of Death, Resurrection and the Eternal 
At Barnes and Noble
at GoodReads

Ada's Website/Blog:
Ada's Facebook:!/AdaBrownellWritingMinistries
Confessions of  Pentecostal:

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